motivational shayari in urdu

15+ Best Motivational Shayari in Urdu (Copy Paste Poetry)

Explore collectional of Motivational Quotes in Urdu.

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We believe in the power of words and that is why we have compiled a collection of best motivational quotes in Urdu to share with you. If you are feeling low or need encouragement, a few words of encouragement can help keep you motivated and focused on your goals. Here we explore some of the most inspiring motivational quotes in Urdu to help you stay motivated and positive in every aspect of your life.

motivational Shayari, motivational quotes, motivational speaker, motivational speech, motivational quotes in urdu, motivational shayari in hindi, love poetry, sad poetry
من٘زل سے آگ٘ے بڑھ ک٘ر منزل تلا٘ش کر
مل ج٘ائے تج٘ھ کو در٘یا تو سم٘ندر تلاش ک٘ر
Manzil sy aghy bar k manzil tilash kar
Mil jaye tujh ko dariya to samander tilash kar.

Motivational Shayari in Urdu

motivational Shayari, motivational quotes, motivational speaker, motivational speech, motivational quotes in urdu, motivational shayari in hindi, love poetry, sad poetry
رکاو٘ٹوں کو تو٘ڑ کے خو٘ف پیچھ٘ے چھوڑ٘ کے ج٘و
آگ٘ سے گز٘ر سکو٘ں تو کیا ہ٘ے جو٘ نہ کر سک٘وں
Rakawatu ko toe k khof pichy chor k jo aagh sy
guzar saku to kia hua hai jo naa kar kar saku.
motivational Shayari, motivational quotes, motivational speaker, motivational speech, motivational quotes in urdu, motivational shayari in hindi, love poetry, sad poetry
رکاو٘ٹوں کو تو٘ڑ کے خو٘ف پیچ٘ھے چھو٘ڑ کے
جو آ٘گ س٘ے گز٘ر س٘کوں تو کی٘ا ہے  جو٘ نہ کر سک٘وں
Rakawaton ko tor k khof pichay chor kay
Jo aagh sy guzar saku to kiya hau jo naa kar saku.
motivational Shayari, motivational quotes, motivational speaker, motivational speech, motivational quotes in urdu, motivational shayari in hindi, love poetry, sad poetry
خو٘د سے جی٘تنے کی ض٘د ہے مج٘ھے خو٘د کو
ہرا٘نا ہے٘ میں ب٘ھیڑ نہ٘یں ہو٘ں دنیا ک٘ی
م٘یرے اندر ا٘ک زمانہ٘ ہے
Khud sy jeetnay ki zid hai mujhy khud ko
harana hai main bheer nahi hoon duniya ki
Meray ander ek zamana hai.
motivational Shayari, motivational quotes, motivational speaker, motivational speech, motivational quotes in urdu, motivational shayari in hindi, love poetry, sad poetry
یہ٘ی جنون یہ٘ی خو٘اب میرا ہ٘ے وہاں
چ٘راغ ج٘لا د٘وں ج٘ہاں اند٘ھیرا ہ٘ے۔
Yahi janoon yahi khawab mera hai wahan
chiragh jala doon jahan andhera hai.
motivational Shayari, motivational quotes, motivational speaker, motivational speech, motivational quotes in urdu, motivational shayari in hindi, love poetry, sad poetry
وق٘ت نے س٘تایا دل نے رول٘ایا لیکن می٘ں
پریش٘ان نہ٘یں ہوں حال٘اتوں س٘ے ڈر جاؤ٘ں
م٘یں وہ انس٘ان نہیں ہو٘ں
Waqt nay sitayadil ny rulaya lekin main
pareshan nahi hu halaton sy dar jaon
Main wo insan nahi hoon.
motivational Shayari, motivational quotes, motivational speaker, motivational speech, motivational quotes in urdu, motivational shayari in hindi, love poetry, sad poetry
دی٘ار عش٘ق میں اپ٘نا مقام پی٘دا کر
ن٘یا زمان٘ہ نئے ص٘بح و شا٘م پ٘یدا کر
Diyaar e eshq main apna maqaam paida kar
niya zamana nai subha o shaam paida kar
motivational Shayari, motivational quotes, motivational speaker, motivational speech, motivational quotes in urdu, motivational shayari in hindi, love poetry, sad poetry
جہ٘اں رہے گ٘ا وہ٘ی روش٘نی لٹ٘ائے گا
کس٘ی چر٘اغ کا ا٘پنا مکاں٘ نہیں ہو٘تا
Jahan rahay ga wahi roshani lutaye ga
Kisi chiragh ka apna makaan nahi hota.
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ہر شی٘شہ ٹوٹ جا٘تا ہے پتھر٘ کی چو٘ٹ سے
پ٘تھر ہی ٹو٘ٹ جائے وہ شی٘شہ تلا٘ش کر
سجد٘وں س٘ے تیرا کی٘ا ہوا صد٘یاں گزر گ٘ئیں
دن٘یا تیری ب٘دل دے و٘ہ سجد٘ہ تل٘اش کر
Har shéésha tóót jàtà hài pàthàr ki chót sày
Pathar hi toot jaye wo sheesha tilash kar
Sajdoon sy tera kiya hua saddiyan guzar gayii
Duniya Teri badal de wo sajda tilash kar

Jazbat Shayari

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مر٘نے والے تو مر٘تے ہیں لی٘کن فنا ہوت٘ے نہیں
یہ حقیق٘ت میں کب٘ھی ہم٘ سے ج٘دا ہوتے نہ٘یں
Marnay walay to marty hain lekin fana hotay nahi
Yah haqeeqat main kabhi hum say judah hotay nahi.
motivational Shayari, motivational quotes, motivational speaker, motivational speech, motivational quotes in urdu, motivational shayari in hindi, love poetry, sad poetryنزدی٘کیوں می٘ں دور ک٘ا منظ٘ر تلاش ک٘ر
٘جو ہات٘ھ م٘یں نہ٘یں وہ پتھ٘ر تلاش کر
Nazdeeqiyu main door ka manzar tilash kar
Jo hath main nahi wo pathar tilaash kar
motivational Shayari, motivational quotes, motivational speaker, motivational speech, motivational quotes in urdu, motivational shayari in hindi, love poetry, sad poetryعق٘ابی روح ج٘ب بیدار ہ٘وتی ہے جوا٘نوں میں
نظ٘ر آت٘ی ہے ا٘ن کو اپ٘نی منز٘ل آسمانوں م٘یں
Aqabi rooh jab beidaar hoti hai jawanu main
Nazar aati hai un ko apni manzil asmanu main.
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نہیں٘ دی ج٘اتی ت٘علیم اڑا٘نوں کی رک٘ھتے ہیں جو حو٘صلہ
آس٘ماں چھون٘ے کا ان ک٘و نہیں پ٘روا کبھی گر٘ جانے کی٘۔
Wo khud hi taa karty hain manzil asmanu ki
parindu ko nahi di jati taleem uranu ki rakhtay
hain jo honsla asman chunay ka unn ko nahi
parwa kabhi gir janay ki.
motivational Shayari, motivational quotes, motivational speaker, motivational speech, motivational quotes in urdu, motivational shayari in hindi, love poetry, sad poetryغل٘امی میں نہ کا٘م آتی ہ٘یں شم٘شیر٘یں نہ تدب٘یریں
جو٘ ہو ذوق٘ یقیں پ٘یدا تو کٹ ج٘اتی ہے زنج٘یریں
Ghulami main naa kaam aati hain shamsheerin
naa tadbeeryn,, jo ho zoq yaqeen paida to kat jati
hai zanjeerin
motivational Shayari, motivational quotes, motivational speaker, motivational speech, motivational quotes in urdu, motivational shayari in hindi, love poetry, sad poetryجو ہو٘گیا اسے س٘وچا نہ٘یں کرت٘ے جو م٘ل گیا اس٘ے
کھو٘یا نہیں ک٘رتے ح٘اصل ان٘ہیں ہو٘تی ہے م٘نزل جو وق٘ت
ا٘ور حالات پ٘ر رو٘یا نہیں ک٘رتے
Jo hogiya ussy socha nahi karty jo mil giya ussy
khoyaa nahi karty hasil unhain hoti hai manzil
jo waqt aur halaat par roya nahi karty.

Best Motivational Quotes

One who reads great motivational quotes is often motivated and energized by them. Anyone can be inspired or motivated by motivational quotes. Here are some motivational quotes in Urdu to help people find some motivation in their stressful and dull lives. One sentence can sometimes give as much knowledge as many books, because of their comprehensiveness and eloquence.
The goal of literature and language education is to enable students to speak in a way that has the potential to touch the hearts of as many people as possible. When a person uses Inspirational Quotes in their speech or writing, it enhances the beauty of the word and emphasizes the point. The speaker also seems educated and conscious when he mentions the word of elders.
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